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Give a Flybuys

People didn't give a F#$k so we made them Give a Flybuys.

People didn't give a F#$k so we made them Give a Flybuys.

Flybuys. The loyalty program your Mum thinks is cool.
To you a silver card that your parents mindlessly scan giving away personal data for no gain. Well until now.

With 20+ partners to redeem and collect points at Flybuys needed the new generation of Flybuy’s users to care.

To hit a new audience we lit a fire under Flybuys' small but hardcore fanbase. These thrifty members know how to rack up the points, cash 'em in, and be damn proud of it, too.

So while the rest of Australia didn't give a F#$k, we made an anthem telling people to Give a Flybuys and take more. More pressies. More holidays. More money off at the shops. And yeah, we got more sign-ups.

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